Friday, September 08, 2006


In class today, we learnt about email. There are two types of email. The first is POP3. This is email that is stored on a server and then downloaded to your computer. An example of this is Microsoft Outlook. The other type is web-based email. This does not require any program on your computer and is done through the web. Some examples are Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail.

When you send an email, there are two more boxes beneath it saying Cc and Bcc. Cc stands for Carbon Copy. It sends a copy of the email to some else. Bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy. It sends a copy to another person without showing it to the original sender.

We also learnt about spam mail which is junk mail. Most spam filters can filter out spam and send it to your junk email folder. That was pretty much today's lesson.

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